First update is out (though as of the time of this edit is unavailable.). and boy, the original proof-of-concept sample is crap compared to this. Hope you like it.
Ok, guys, here's what's going on...
About five minutes ago, I was listening to a Dragonforce song, "Through The Fire and Flames" or some such. Then, I wondered, how would that sound through an NES?
I've decided to do this. I am going to create an 8-bit rendition of Dragonforce's Through the fire and flames.
I just request one thing of you - please don't blam my submission into oblivion.
I'm working extraordinarily hard on this project, if you don't like it sound wise, at least take a minute to think about the technical aspect of it.
Dragonforce, a band with incredible talents and mindbending speed.
8-bit, the mainstream version of video game music.
Combine them...
I shall call it DRAGONGLITCH!
I'll upload a sample of it later as a proof of concept.